Fundraising Saskatoon

Fundraising made easy!

Are you fundraising in Saskatoon, Warman and area?
J&J Sausage is a great fundraiser!


  1. Call 306-933-2200 to book your fundraiser
  2. Print off our order forms
  3. Sell to your customers using the individual order forms
  4. Fill out the master order form
  5. Send the master order form to J&J Sausage
  6. Collect payment, payable to your organization
  7. Pay J&J Sausage upon pickup or delivery

Reasons to Fundraise with J&J Sausage

You are supporting Saskatchewan Businesses.

You don’t have to worry about melting chocolate bars anymore. Our products are easy to store and transport. 

Our product packaging makes it easy to sell. 

Our products are made with all natural ingredients which makes it a much healthier choice than candy or chocolate bar fundraisers.

Want to learn more?

Please Contact Us Directly to Learn More about how We can Help You Fundraise for Your School or Organization

farmer sausage and perogies with cream gravy